Ionic 2 Check App Availability

Ionic 2 Check App Availability: This plugin enables us to check whether the app is installed on User’s device or not. It requires a URI Scheme (e.g. twitter://) on iOS or a Package Name (e.g on Android. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how to check App Availability in the Ionic framework.

Ionic 2 Check App Availability Example

Cordova plugin cordova-plugin-appavailability is used to check the app availability. You can install it simply as below –

Ionic Check App Availability Example:

$ ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-appavailability
$ npm install --save @ionic-native/app-availability

Supported Platform

  • Android


Here is simple example of checking App availability –

Ionic 2 Check App Availability Example:

import { AppAvailability } from '@ionic-native/app-availability';
import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';

constructor(private appAvailability: AppAvailability, private platform: Platform) { }


let app;

if ('ios')) {
  app = 'twitter://';
} else if ('android')) {
  app = '';

    (yes: string) => console.log(app + ' is available'),
    (no: string) => console.log(app + ' is NOT available')

Instance Members

  • check(app): Checks if app is available on device.
Param Type Details
app string Package name on android, or URI scheme on iOS
  • Returns: It returns the promise.


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