Category Archives: Materialized

Materialize Css Modal Popup

Materialize Css provides predefined classes to create beautiful modals. Materialize Css Modal Popup are used widely in any application so it is important to understand how we can use these popups. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how to create modal popup in Materialize css framework. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Materialize Css Modal Popup Example

Class modal is used to define the modal, Class modal-content is used to define the content body. Class modal-footer defines the modal footer. Here is an example of Materialize modal popup.-



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Class modal-close is used to add close button in modal.

Output of above example-

Materialize Css Modal Popup

Modal Fixed Footer

Modal class modal-fixed-footer is used to create fixed footer. This class makes footer fixed in case of fixed footer.



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jQuery Initialization

You must initialize model before using it simply as below-


Open Modal

You can open model using following JavaScript-


Close Model

You can close modal using the below JavaScript-



You can use the following options to customize the default behaviour of modal.

Option Description
dismissible Whether Modal should be unmissable or not.
opacity Adds opacity of overlay background.
inDuration Transition in duration.
outDuration Transition Our duration.
startingTop To add top style attribute.
endingTop To Add ending top style.
ready Callback function when modal is ready.
complete Callback function when modal is closed.

Here is an example of above options-


      dismissible: true,
      opacity: .5,
      inDuration: 300, 
      outDuration: 200, 
      startingTop: '4%', 
      endingTop: '10%', 
      ready: function(modal, trigger) { 
        alert("Ready Callback");
        console.log(modal, trigger);
      complete: function() { alert('Closed triggered'); } 

Materialize SideNav

Materialize SideNav Menu : SideNav is one of the main component of any webpage which provides users side navigation. It is very easy to create sidenav in Materialize framework. As it is jQuery plugin so it needs the initialization. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create side navigation Menu in Materialize. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Materialize SideNav Example

There are basically two parts of sidenav- 1. HTML, 2. jQuery. HTML part contains the sidenav html menu item stuffs and jQuery contains the script to initialize the side navigation menu. Let us create a simple navigation menu as below-

Materialize SideNav Menu with Dropdown Example



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If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this-

Materialize SideNav Example

Materialize Dropdown

Materialize Dropdown : Materialize provides dropdown which can be embed with the buttons. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create dropdown buttons in Materialize framework. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Materialize Dropdown Example

Let us create very basic dropdown in materialize- create a button and add class dropdown-button to it. Add data-activates it might be id of the ul tag. Here is the complete example-

Materialize Dropdown Example:

Dropdown Menu

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If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this-

Materialize Dropdown Example


  • induration : The duration of the transition enter in milliseconds. Default time for this is 300ms
  • outduration : This is used to transition out in millisecond, Default time for this is 225ms.
  • constrainwidth : If true, constrainWidth to the size of the dropdown activator. Default is set true.
  • hover : This is used to open dropdown on hover by default it is false, if you want to open on hover set it true.
  • gutter : This defines the spacing from the aligned edge. Default value is 0.
  • beloworigin : This is used to set whether the dropdown will open below the activator, if you want to open dropdown below the activator set it true. Default is set false.
  • alignment : Defines the edge the menu is aligned to. Default is set ‘left’
  • stoppropagation : If true, stops the event propagating from the dropdown origin click handler. Default is set false


You can use the above options simply as below-

Materialize Dropdown jQuery Options Example


Materialize Tooltips

Materialize Tooltips: Tooltips are basically used to provide the extra information about the elements. It is very easy to create Tooltips in Materialize framework. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create and use the tooltips in Materialize. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Materialize Tooltips Example

To Add Tooltip first Create a button and Add class tooltipped, attribute data-position=”bottom”,data-delay=”50″ and data-tooltip=”This is Dummy Tooltip” simply as below-

Materialize Tooltips Example:

Hover Me! 

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In the above example we have create a simple tooltip for a button. If you run the above example it will create output something like this-

Materialize Tooltips Example


Following options are available in Materialize Tooltip-

  • delay: Delay time before tooltip appears, Default is 350 ms.
  • tooltip: Text to display on hover. It can be HTML if you have set html to true.
  • position: This is used to set the position of the tooltip- it can be top, left, bottom, right. Default position is bottom.
  • html: This is used to set true to display the html content in tooltip. Default is false.

Remove Tooltip

You can remove tooltip using jQuery simply as below –

Materialize Remove Tooltip Script


Where selector can be id, class of the button.

Learn More

Let us have some More example and demo about Materialize Tooltips.

Tooltip Position : Top

data-position=”top” is used to place the Tooltip at top –

Materialize Tooltip Position Top Example


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If you run the above example it will give following output-

Materialize Tooltip Position : Top

Tooltip Position : Left

data-position=”left” is used to place the Tooltip at Left –

Materialize Tooltip Position Left Example


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If you run the above example it will give following output-

Materialize Tooltip Position : Left

Tooltip Position : Bottom

data-position=”bottom” is used to place the Tooltip at Bottom –

Materialize Tooltip Position Bottom Example


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If you run the above example it will give following output-

Materialize Tooltip Position : Bottom

Tooltip Position : Right

data-position=”right” is used to place the Tooltip at Right –

Materialize Tooltip Position Right Example


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If you run the above example it will give following output-

Materialize Tooltip Position : Right

Materialize Toasts

Materialize Toasts: Toasts are basically used to provide the unobtrusive alerts to the user. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create Toasts in Materialize. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Materialize Toasts Example

Materialize.toast() function is used to create the toast in Materialize framework. It accepts mainly four parameters- 1. text, 2,. timeout. 3. rounded class, 4. callback. Text is the message that will be displayed in toast and timeout is used to add the time in milliseconds after which the text message will be disappeared. Third parameter is used for rounded toast and fourth parameter is callback. Third and fourth parameters are optional. Here is a very basic example of toast-

Materialize Toasts Example:

 First Toast   

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If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Materialize Toasts Example

Custom HTML

Sometimes we need to add custom HTML in toast content,you can add HTML content in Toast simply as below-

Materialize Add Custom HTML to Toast


Custom Html Toast

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If you run the above example will generate output something like this-

Materialize Add Custom HTML to Toast


You can add a callback function when the toast is dissmissed –

Materialize Callback Function in Toast


Toast Callback 

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Alert will be triggered when the Toast is dismissed.

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Let us create some more examples & demos for the Toasts.

Rounded Toast

To create rounded toast you can simply pass the third parameter as ’rounded’ –

Materialize Rounded Toast

Rounded Toast

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If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Materialize Rounded Toast Example

Materialize Collapsible

Materialize Collapsible: Collapsible are accordion that expands when you click on it. It displays only the relevant content and hides other content.
Materialize provides collapsible with various options which can be used easily anywhere. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create collapsible in Materialize. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Materialize Collapsible Example

Let us create a very basic and simple Collapsible-

Materialize Collapsible Example:

  • perm_mediaItem 1

    This is dummy text.

  • languageItem 2

    This is dummy text.

  • settings_voiceItem 3

    This is dummy text.

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In the above example we have created a very basic collapsible in Materialize. As we know it’s jQuery plugin so do not forget to initialize it.If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Materialize Collapsible Example


To create popout collapsible add the class=”popout” to ul simply as below –

Materialize Collapsible Popout Example

  • perm_mediaItem 1

    This is dummy text.

  • languageItem 2

    This is dummy text.

  • settings_voiceItem 3

    This is dummy text.

Try it »

If you run the above example it will produce output something like this –

Materialize Collapsible Example

Preselected Section | Active Section

Sometimes we need to open some section by default or using JavaScript, to do this simply add the active class to header. Here is an example of Active class –

Materialize Collapsible Preselected Example

  • perm_mediaItem 1

    This is dummy text.

  • languageItem 2

    This is dummy text.

  • settings_voiceItem 3

    This is dummy text.

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If you run the above example it will produce output something like this –

Materialize Collapsible Example


Following options are available –

  • accordion(boolean): This is used to change the collapsible behavior to expandable instead of the default accordion style.
  • onOpen(function): This is callback function triggered when collapsible is opened.
  • onClose(function): This is callback function triggered when collapsible is closed.

Learn More

Let us have some More example and demo about the Collapsible in Materialize.

Collapsible Types

There are basically two types of collapsible avaialable in Materialize –

1. Accordion
2. Expandable

Let us understand both one by one –


data-collapsible=”accordion” is used to create accodion. In Acoordion one section is opened at a time –

Materialize Collapsible Accordion Example

  • perm_mediaItem 1

    This is dummy text.

  • languageItem 2

    This is dummy text.

  • settings_voiceItem 3

    This is dummy text.

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data-collapsible=”expandable” is used to create expandable collapsible. In Expandable collapsible more than one section can be opened at the same time –

Materialize Collapsible Expandable Example

  • perm_mediaItem 1

    This is dummy text.

  • languageItem 2

    This is dummy text.

  • settings_voiceItem 3

    This is dummy text.

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Run the above example and click on more than one section to open the other section at the same time. The output of the above example will look like something this –

Materialize Expandable Collapsible Example

Materialize Preloader

Materialize Preloader : Loaders are basically used to indicate that some background process/activity is happening. Materialize provides various loaders such as linear and circular with various options to customize it. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how to create loaders in Materialize. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Materialize Preloader | Loading | Loader Example

There are following types of Preloader –

  • 1. Linear
  • 2. Circular

Now let us go one by one to understand the loaders with example & demo –

Linear Progress Bar

There are basically two types of Linear Progress Bar-

  • 1. Determinate
  • 2. Indeterminate


Create a div with class=”determinate”, add percentage of progress by adding style width(such as style=”width:60%”) and wrap this div by a div with class=”progress”.

Determinate Progress Bar Example:

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If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Materialize Preloader Example


Create a div with class=”indeterminate” and wrap this div by a div with class=”progress”.

Indeterminate Progress Bar Example:

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Circular Loader | Loading

Materialize provides various types of Circular Loaders of different-different colors and sizes. Let us create a simple circular loader in materialize –

Materialize Circular Loading Example


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If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Materialize Circular Loading Example

Learn More

Let us have some More example and demo about the Materialize Loaders.

More Examples coming soon..

Materialize Pagination

Materialize Pagination : Pagination is used to show long data with the help of links to different-different parts. Materialize provides classes to create pagination. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create pagination in materialize framework. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Materialize Pagination Example

First create ul with class=”pagination” and then add li and pagination link. You can use Class=”active” to show the active link. Here is an example of simple pagination-

Materialize Pagination Example:

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If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Materialize Pagination Example

Learn More

Let us have some More example and demo about the Materialize Pagination.

Disable Pagination Link

You can disable the pagination by simply adding the class=”disabled” to li element simply as below-

Disabled Pagination Link Example:

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If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Materialize Autocomplete

Materialize Autocomplete : Autocomplete is basically used to provide the possible values as suggestion to the user. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create Autocomplete in MaterializeCSS framework. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Materialize Autocomplete Example

First create a input box and then initialize the autocomplete using jQuery. Here is a simple example of Autocomplete in MaterializeCSS-

Materialize Autocomplete Example:


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Autocomplete is part of jQuery plugin so it needs to be initialized as above. If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Materialize Autocomplete Example

Learn More

Let us have some More example and demo about Autocomplete.

Autocomplete Ajax

Sometimes while working with dynamic applications we get data from JSON or API and we display that data in autocomplete. You can get data for Autocomplete using Ajax from the specified URL. Here is an example of ajax autocomplete-

Materialize Autocomplete Ajax Example:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(function() {
      type: 'GET',
      url: '',
      success: function(response) {
        var countryArray = response;
        var countryList = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < countryArray.length; i++) {
          countryList[countryArray[i].name] = countryArray[i];
          data: countryList

Materialize Autocomplete Not Working?

Sometimes we face issue in autocomplete initialization, the possible reason could be you have not initialized the jQuery for autocomplete.

Materialize Autocomplete Not Working? Reason:

selector – class, id of input box.