Category Archives: KnockoutJS Tutorial

KnockoutJS Computed Observables

KnockoutJS Computed Observables– Computed observables are functions that are dependent upon one or more observables, computed observables automatically update if any of them change. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how you can create computed observables and use them. You can use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

KnockoutJS Computed Observables Example


Sntax of Computed Observables is-

KnockoutJS Computed Observables Example:

 this.variableName = ko.computed(function() {
        // your code goes here..
    }, this);

Let us create a very basic example to understand the Computed Observables –

KnockoutJS Computed Observables Example:


Hello .

Try it Β»

So you can if you change in any input field it will automatically update fullname, thus you handle more than one observable variables using the Computed Variables.

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this-

KnockoutJS Computed Observables

Pure Computed Observables

Pure Computed Observables were introduced in KnockoutJs 3.2.0 to provide the memory and performance over the regular Computed Observables. Pure computed observables does not maintain the subscriptions to its dependencies when it has no subscriptions.

Here are main features of Pure Computed Observables-

  • 1. Prevents Memory Leakage– It prevents memory leakage from the observables that are no longer referenced in the application but their dependencies still exists.
  • 2. Reduces computation overhead– It reduces overhead by ignoring the observable whose value is not being observed.


Syntax of pure observables is as –

Pure Computed Observables Example:

this.variableName = ko.pureComputed(function() {
        // your code goes here..
    }, this);

Pure Computed Observable Example

Let us create an example of Computed Observables-

Pure Computed Observables Example:


Hello .

Writable Computed Observables

If you have noticed the regular Computed Observables, they are read only ie. you can’t modify the observables value. Writable computed Observables enable us to create computed observables whose value can be modified(writable).

Let us create a simple example of Writable Computed Observables-

Writable Computed Observables Example:


Hello .

KnockoutJS Observable Array

KnockoutJS Observable Array – KnockoutJs provides Observable Array(observableArray) to detect and respond to changes in a collection of things. Sometimes we need to reflect the changes to UI when working with multiple values like adding new values, editing new values or deleting the values. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can use Observable Array in KnockoutJS with example and demo.

KnockoutJS Observable Array Example

Let us understand how Observable Array works-


You can initialize empty array simple as below-

KnockoutJS Observable Array Example:

var myObservableArray = ko.observableArray();
 // Initialize empty array


Now let us create a simple example of observableArray

Observable Array Example:


New item:

Your items:

Try it Β»

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this-

KnockoutJS Observable Array

Define Array Objects

You can also define objects as an observableArray simply as below –

Observable Array Objects Example:

var observableArray = ko.observableArray([
    { name: "John", country: "USA" },
    { name: "Kelly", country: "Japan" },
    { name: "Rimmy", country: "Poland" }

Get Observable Array Length

You can find the Obseravble Array Length as below-

Observable Array Get Length Example:

var observableArray = ko.observableArray([
    { name: "John", country: "USA" },
    { name: "Kelly", country: "Japan" },
    { name: "Rimmy", country: "Poland" }
var obseravleArrayLength = observableArray.lentgh;

Learn More

Observable Array indexOf

indexOf function returns the indexOf the array item. If item is found in array it will return value > -1 else it will return -1.

Observable Array Manupulation

There are following methods available to perform the Array Manupulation-

  • push(value)– This method adds a new item at the end of array. Example –
    var myObservableArray = ko.observableArray(); 
    myObservableArray.push('Some value');
  • pop()– This removes the last item from the array.
  • unshift( value )– This inserts a new value at the begining of the array.
  • shift()– It removes the first value from array and returns it.
  • reverse()– This reverses the array items and retruns it.
  • sort()– Sorts the array contents and returns the observableArray.
  • splice()– Removes and returns a given number of elements starting from a given index. Example-
    myObservableArray.splice(1, 3);

    Removes the elements from index 1 to index 3 and returns the ObservableArray.

  • remove(someItem)– Removes the given item from observableArray and returns observableArray.
  • remove( function (item) { return item.age < 18; } ) –
    If you want to remove the items based upon some condition then you can use the function as above.
  • removeAll()– Removes all items from array.
  • removeAll([β€˜item1’, 123, undefined])– This will remove the specified items only ie- β€˜item1’, 123, undefined and return array.
  • –
  • –

KnockoutJS Observables

KnockoutJS Observables Observables are special JavaScript objects that are used widely in KnockoutJS to handle the data exchange between view-model and view. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how observables works in KnockoutJS.

KnockoutJS Observables | Syntax | Example

KnockoutJS basically works on the following three features-

  • 1.Observables and dependency tracking – Observables plays an important in data exchange between View and View-Model. Observables takes care of dependency tracking.
  • 2.Declarative bindings– data-bind is used in view to handle the data(update) in ViewModel.
  • 3.Templating– KnockoutJs supports templating which enables us to create rich applications.


KnockoutJS Observables Syntax:

this.propertyName = ko.observable('value');

You can just make any property observable. ko is globally available once you include the KnockouJS library. β€˜value’ will be assigned to the view model property ie. to propertyName.


Now let us create very basic example to understand the observables-

KnockoutJS Observables Example:


Hello Welcome to

Try it Β»

If you run the above the example it will produce the output something like this-

If you change the input box value it will automatically update the view part.

KnockoutJS Observables Examples

Activate KnockoutJS

As we know data-bind is not predefined HTML attribute so HTML will not understand the data-bind meaning so it is necessary to activate it. You can activate KnockoutJS simply as below-

| Example:

// Activate Knockout.JS
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModelName());

Where ViewModelName is model that you want to activate.

Observables Read And Write

  • 1. Read– You can read the model property by just – myViewModel.propertyName(); Example myViewModel.personName() –
  • 2. Write– To write value you just need to pass value as parameter as – myViewModel.personName(β€˜Kelly’).
  • 2. Write Multiple Values– You can also write multiple values at a time simply as – myViewModel.personName(β€˜Kelly’).personAge(30).personCity(β€˜NewYork’).

KnockoutJS Architecture

KnockoutJS Architecture– KnockoutJS is specially designed to create Single Page web applications. It provides functionality for loading data without reloading or navigating to the different page. It refreshes only the required part of UI.

As we all know nowadays mobile devices have become the primary device to access the web(internet), websites are known to load slowly on mobile devices but now there several technologies(AngularJs, KnockoutJS) which enable us to develop websites with great performance.

KnockoutJS Architechture

It is JavaScript Framework which enables us to develop web apps with great performance and works on all devices.

KnockoutJs is basically follows the Model-View-ViewModel(MVVM) pattern.

Now let us understand what is Model-View-ViewModel.

KnockoutJS Architecture

1. Model

Model basically handles the request & response between server & ViewModel. It communicates to the data server, It listens the request from the ViewModel and sends it to the server and provides the response back to viewModel.

2. ViewModel

ViewModel basically holds the data objects returned from the model and directly communicates to the view. It is responsible to change the data in view, it automatically refreshes the Ui if there is change in data. It uses observable to watch the changes.

3. View

View is the part which is directly visible to the users. data-bind is used to handle the data in View part which automatically updates the changes in UI.

KnockoutJS First Program

KnockoutJS First Program- Let us first create a very basic and simple program in KnockoutJs to understand how it works.

KnockoutJS First Program | Hello World Example

In this tutorial we are going to create a simple example which contains two input fields- Firstname and Lastname. We will print the input box values using KnockoutJs. This example has two parts simply as below –

  • 1. View – This contains the html UI parts which will be updated frequently as soon as the data model values are changed.
  • 2. View Model – This contains the data model part, this sits behind UI layer and exposes data needed by a View.


View Part contains the following code-

KnockoutJs First Example: View

First name:

Last name:

Hello, !

View Model

View Model Part contains the following code-

KnockoutJs First Example: View Model

Complete Example

Now let us combine the both parts and create the full example as below –

| Example:


First name:

Last name:

Hello, !

Try it Β»

If you run the above example it will produce output something like this-

KnockoutJS First Program Example

KnockoutJS Environment Setup

KnockoutJS Environment Setup It is very easy to install KnockoutJs, You can download the library and install it locally or you can use the hosted CDN. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain the both ways to install the KnockoutJS.

KnockoutJS Environment Setup | Installation Setps

You can install KnockoutJS in following ways-

  • 1. Download and Install Locally –
  • 2. Use Hosted CDN–

1 Download And Install Locally

You can download the latest production build of KnockoutJs from it’s official site – Download KnockoutJs

After Downloading just keep the download js file in some folder(such as js) and include it simply as below-

KnockoutJS Install locally Example:

After Including this file you will be able to run the KnockoutJS programs.

2. Use Hosted CDN | KnockoutJS CDN Url

If you do not want to download the KnockoutJS library you use the Hosted CDN urls to include the library in your web application, There are following hosted CDN providers for KnockoutJs –

KnockoutJS Cloudflare CDN Url

KnockoutJS Cloudflare CDN Url:

KnockoutJS MicroSoft Ajax CDN Url

KnockoutJS Microsoft Ajax CDN Url:

After installing this we are able to create the first example.

Note : In this tutorial for creating examples & demos we will use hosted CDN.

KnockoutJS Tutorial

KnockoutJS Tutorial: KnockoutJS is JavaScript Library which enables us to create rich, responsive applications. KnockoutJS is based on MVVM(Model, View, View Model) architecture. KnockoutJS helps you to implement the UI update functionality that is changing dynamically based on the user interaction or external data source change. KnockoutJS is very simple to learn.

Here in this tutorial, we are going to cover the basic and advanced topics in KnockoutJS.

KnockoutJS Tutorial With Example & Demo

Here in this tutorial we will explain each topic with example and demo.

KnockoutJs Features

KnockoutJs has following main features-

  • Elegant dependency tracking: KnockoutJs updates only the right(required) parts of the UI when there is change in data model.
  • Declarative bindings: A easiest way to connect the UI parts to the data model.
  • Trivially extensible: You can implement custom behaviors as new declarative bindings for reusing the code.
  • Templating: It Provides templating functionality to develop complex UI.

KnockoutJs Benefits

KnockoutJs has following benefits which makes it different –

  • Pure JavaScript Library: It is pure JavaScript Library which works with any client or server side language.
  • Compact: It is very light weight library which is just 13KB after gzip.
  • Supports on All Browsers: It works almost on all mainstream browsers.

You Should Know

Before starting you should be aware of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Document object model(DOM).