Tag Archives: ion-infinite-scroll not working
Ionic Ion-refresher
Ionic Ion-refresher : Ion-refresher is used to pull-to-refresh to scroll view. It basically puts the content before the ionicContent or ionicScroll element. Here we are going to explain this with ionicScroll and ionContent element example and demo.
Ionic Ion-refresher
Here is an example of Ion-refresher-
Ion-refresher Javascript Part
Ionic Ion-refresher example
angular.module('myApp', ['ionic']) .controller('MyCtr', function($scope, $http) { $scope.items = ["Php"]; $scope.refreshNow = function() { $http.get('/fresh-items') .success(function(freshItems) { $scope.items = freshItems; }) .finally(function() { $scope.$broadcast('scroll.refreshComplete'); }); }; }); |