
Ionic 2 Lists

Ionic 2 Lists : Lists are great way display data in row format, Ionic 2 provides various predefined which we can use easily. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create & use various lists in Ionic 2. You can also use our online editor to run the example online.

Ionic 2 Lists Example

There are following types of Lists available in Ionic 2.

Let us go one by one to understand the lists in Ionic 2.

Basic Lists

To create basic list ion-list and ion-item is used to item in the list and each items are separated by dividers.
Here is an example of basic lists –

Ionic 2 Basic Lists Example-

      <ion-icon name="build"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="bluetooth"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="battery-full"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="camera"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="finger-print"></ion-icon>
      Finger Print

Try it »

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Inset Lists

Inset list adds margin outside the list, add inset attribute to ion-list.
Here is an example of Inset list –

Ionic 2 Inset Lists Example-

<ion-list inset>
      <ion-icon name="build"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="bluetooth"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="battery-full"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="camera"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="finger-print"></ion-icon>
      Finger Print

Try it »

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

List Dividers

List dividers are used to divide items into groups, ion-item-group is used insted of ion-list. ion-item-divider component is used to divide the group into section.

Ionic 2 List Dividers Example-

    <ion-item-divider color="danger">Group A</ion-item-divider>
    <ion-item-divider color="danger">Group B</ion-item-divider>

Try it »

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

List Headers

ion-list-header is used to add header in the List. Here is simple example of header in Lists-

Ionic 2 List Headerss Example-

  <ion-list-header color="primary">
  <ion-item><ion-icon name="add-circle"></ion-icon> Add</ion-item>
  <ion-item><ion-icon name="create"></ion-icon> Edit</ion-item>
  <ion-item><ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon> Delete</ion-item>

Try it »

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Icon List

You can also add icons in lists using Ionic 2 icons ie- ion-icon. You can also assign the position of icon using
item-left and item-right attributes. You can also set the size of the icons using the small and large
attributes, default size is small. Here is an example of Icons in Lists-

Ionic 2 Icons in list Example-

  <ion-item><ion-icon name="add-circle" item-left></ion-icon> Add</ion-item>
  <ion-item><ion-icon name="create" item-right></ion-icon> Edit</ion-item>

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Avatar List

ion-avatar Component is used to create avatar list in ionic 2. item-left and item-right attributes are used to
add the position of the avatar.

Ionic 2 Avatar List | Image Example-

    <ion-avatar item-left>
      <img src="//tutorialsplane.com/runtest/ionic/img/profile.jpg">
    <p>Hello </p>
    <ion-avatar item-left>
      <img src="//tutorialsplane.com/runtest/ionic/img/profile.jpg">
    <p>How Are You?? </p>

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Multiline List

Multiline list contains the multiple lines of text. You can create multiline text list simply as below-

Ionic 2 Multiline List Example-

    <ion-avatar item-left>
      <img src="//tutorialsplane.com/runtest/ionic/img/profile.jpg">
    <h3 style="color:orange;">Online</h3>
    <p>Hello </p>
    <ion-avatar item-left>
      <img src="//tutorialsplane.com/runtest/ionic/img/profile.jpg">
    <h3 style="color:green;">Typing..</h3>
    <p>How Are You?? </p>
    <p>..... </p>

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Sliding List

Sliding list is used to create list items that can be swipped left or right. ion-item-sliding component is used to create
sliding list and ion-item-options component is used to add options. Here is an example of sliding List –

Ionic 2 Sliding List Example-

    <ion-avatar item-left>
      <img src="//tutorialsplane.com/runtest/ionic/img/profile.jpg">
    <h3 style="color:orange;">Online</h3>
    <p>Hello </p>
  <ion-item-options side="left">
      <button ion-button color="primary">
        <ion-icon name="text"></ion-icon>
      <button ion-button color="secondary">
        <ion-icon name="call"></ion-icon>
    <ion-item-options side="right">
      <button ion-button color="primary">
        <ion-icon name="mail"></ion-icon>

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Thumbnail List

ion-thumbnail component is used to create Thumbnail list. Here is simple example of thumbnail list-

Ionic 2 thumbnail List Example-

    <ion-thumbnail item-left>
      <img src="//www.tutorialsplane.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/girl-1319114__180.jpg">
    <h2>My Image 1</h2>
    <p> This my Fav one..</p>
    <button ion-button clear item-right>View</button>
    <ion-thumbnail item-left>
      <img src="//www.tutorialsplane.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/girl-1349262__180.jpg">
    <h2>My Image 2</h2>
    <p> This is cool..</p>
    <button ion-button clear item-right>View</button>
    <ion-thumbnail item-left>
      <img src="//www.tutorialsplane.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/girl-1361906__180.jpg">
    <h2>My Image 3</h2>
    <p> This is most liked..</p>
    <button ion-button clear item-right>View</button>

If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

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