
Ionic 2 Android Full Screen

Ionic 2 Android Full Screen: Android full screen plugin enables developers to create a true fullscreen experience for users. It supports all Android 4.0+ versions, This provides functionality to expand in fullscreen mode and hides navigation bar and status until the user interacts it. Here in this documentation, we are going to explain how you can use this feature in the Ionic framework.

Ionic 2 Android Full Screen | Native Full Screen Example

You can install the Cordova-plugin-fullscreen plugin simply as below-

Install Ionic 2 Android Fullscreen Plugin

Run the below command to install this plugin –

Install Ionic 2 Android Full Screen Plugin Syntax:

$ ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-fullscreen
$ npm install --save @ionic-native/android-full-screen

Supported Platforms


Let us create a simple example of cordova full screen plugin in Ionic-

Ionic 2 Android Full Screen Example:

import { AndroidFullScreen } from '@ionic-native/android-full-screen';

constructor(private androidFullScreen: AndroidFullScreen) { }


  .then(() => this.androidFullScreen.immersiveMode())
  .catch((error: any) => console.log(error));

Instance Members

Following Instance Members are available –

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