
Magento2 Install Sample Data

Magento2 Install Sample Data – You can use the command magento setup:upgrade and magento sampledata:install. It will install the magento 2 sample data./p>

Magento2 Install Sample Data After Setup

Go to the magento root and run the following command to install the sample data in mangeto2. Here are the steps to install sample data on windows (xampp or wamp).

Step 1

Go to magento root folder and open the composer to the php command –

Step 2

Now run the below command –

Magento2 Install Sample Data Steps : Magento 2 Sample Data Example

php bin/magento sampledata:deploy

The command will look something like this –

Step 3

Now finalize the sample data installing by running the below command –

Magento2 Install Sample Data Steps : Magento 2 Sample Data Example

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

The command will look something like this –

This will finish the sample data installation in magento2. Now you can use sample data in magento2.