
Magento set default value for config defined value

Magento set default value for config defined value

Add the following code in your config.php file under the tag.

            <yourfield>My Default Value</yourfield>         

Example :

system.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" ??>
        <your_tab module="your_module" translate="label">

      <demosection module="your_module" translate="label">  
                <demo_group translate="label">
                        <demo_field translate="label tooltip comment">
			    <comment>Your settings.</comment>



For Setting The default value of the field : demo_field you have to add following code in config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"??>
                                 <demosection translate="title">
                                        <title>Settings </title>

Which will look with default value 1 as :

magento set default value for config defined value