
Magento 2 get Customer Details

Magento 2 get Customer Details– It is totally different to get the customer details in Magento 2. You can use object manager or service contracts(\Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface). Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how to get customer details using customer id or customer session. We will cover the other details like -email, name, shipping address, billing address details etc.

Magento 2 get Customer Details Example

First of all, we need to get the customer object either by session or load customer by id. Let us go one by one-

Load Customer Data By Id

You can use object manager to load the customer by id simply as below –

Magento 2 get Customer Details Example:

$customerId = 101;
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$customer = $objectManager->create('Magento\Customer\Model\Customer')->load($customerId);

Get Customer Data From Session

If customer is logged in you can get the customer object from session using object manager simply as below-

Magento 2 Get Customer Session Example:| Get current customer Id

 $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
 $customerSession = $objectManager->get('Magento\Customer\Model\Session');
    if($customerSession->isLoggedIn()) {
     $customer = $customerSession->getCustomer();
     $id = $customer->getId(); // customer Id

Using the above method you can check whether customer is logged in or not. Now let us get more details about the customer using the above customer object.

Get Customer Id | First Name | Last Name | Email Id | Customer Group Id

Get Customer Data in Magento 2 Example:

$customerId = 101;
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$customer = $objectManager->create('Magento\Customer\Model\Customer')->load($customerId);
$firstname = $customer->getFirstname();
$lastname = $customer->getLastname();
$email = $customer->getEmail();
$groupId = $customer->getGroupId();

The above example will give you the customer details.

Get Customer Address Details

Get Shipping Address Details | By Default Address Id

Customer’s Default Shipping Address Can Be Loaded Using the Default Address Id. You can get the following shipping details from Shipping Address Object-

Load Customer Address By Address Id Example:

$shippingAddressID =  $customerSession->getCustomer()->getDefaultBilling();
$shippingAddress = $objectManager->create('Magento\Customer\Model\Address')->load($shippingAddressID);
$shippingFirstname = $shippingAddress->getFirstname();
$shippingLastname = $shippingAddress->getLastname();
$shippingCompany = $shippingAddress->getCompany();
$shippingZipcode= $shippingAddress->getPostCode();
$shippingCompany = $shippingAddress->getCompany();
$shippingStreet = $shippingAddress->getStreet();
$shippingStreet1 = $shippingStreet[0];
$shippingStreet2 = $shippingStreet[1];
$shippingTelephone = $shippingAddress->getTelephone();
$shippingFax = $shippingAddress->getFax();
$shippingCountry = $shippingAddress->getCountry();

Get Billing Address Details | By Default Address Id

Customer’s Default Billing Address Can Be Loaded Using the Default Address Id. You can get the following shipping details from Billing Address Object-

Load Customer Billing Address By Billing Id Example:

$shippingAddressID =  $customerSession->getCustomer()->getDefaultBilling();
$billingAddress = $objectManager->create('Magento\Customer\Model\Address')->load($shippingAddressID);
$billingFirstname = $billingAddress->getFirstname();
$billingLastname = $billingAddress->getLastname();
$billingCompany = $billingAddress->getCompany();
$billingZipcode= $billingAddress->getPostCode();
$billingCompany = $billingAddress->getCompany();
$billingStreet = $billingAddress->getStreet();
$billingStreet1 = $billingStreet[0];
$billingStreet2 = $billingStreet[1];
$billingTelephone = $billingAddress->getTelephone();
$billingFax = $billingAddress->getFax();
$billingCountry = $billingAddress->getCountry();