
Indian Air Force Group ‘C’ Posts

Indian Air Force Group ‘C’ Posts: – Indian Air Force announced 232 vacancies for Group C including LDC Clerk(lower division clerk), Multitasking Staffs, Carpenter and Fireman etc . Here I am going to show the full syllabus of Indian air force group ‘c’ vacancy for those applicants who want to see the exam pattern.

Indian Air Force Group ‘C’ Posts

Full details of the subject, number of question and time duration.

The syllabus of Indian Air Force 2017.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for Indian Air Force.

S. No. Subjects No. Of Questions Marks
1. General Intelligence And Reasoning 25 25
2. Numerical Aptitude 25 25
3. General English 25 25
4. General Awareness 25 25
Total 100 100

All Subject description:-

General Awareness

1.        Geography,
2.        History,
3.        Awards And Honors,
4.        Culture,
5.        Current Events,
6.        General Politics,
7.        Economic Scene,
8.        Books And Authors,
9.        Sports And Games.

General English

1.        Fill in the blanks,
2.        Synonyms,
3.        One Word Substitutions,
4.        Spot The Error,
5.        Sentence Improvement,
6.        Shuffling Of Sentence Parts,
7.        Antonyms,
8.        Cloze Passage,
9.        Comprehension Of Passage.
10.        Idioms And Phrases,
11.        Spellings,
12.        Detecting Mis-spelt Words,

General Intelligence & Reasoning

1.        Decisions Making,
2.        Analysis,
3.        Space Visualization,
4.        Problem Solving Techniques,
5.        Judgement,
6.        Observation,
7.        Figure Classification,
8.        Visual Memory,
9.        Number Series.
10.       Relationship Concepts,
11.       Non Verbal Series,
12.       Arithmetic Computation,
13.       Similarities And Differences,
14.       Venn Diagrams,
15.       Coding-Decoding,
16.       Seating Arrangements,
17.       Statement And Conclusion,
18.       Arithmetic Number Series,
19.       Number Ranking,
20.       Alphabet Series,
21.       Analogy,
22.       Directions,
23.       Mirror Images,
24.       Non Verbal Series,
25.       Cubes And Dices,
26.       Clocks and Calendars,
27.       Blood Relations,
28.       Embedded Figures.

Numerical Ability

1.        Decimals and Fractions,
2.        Profit And Loss,
3.        Discount,
4.        The Relationships between Numbers,
5.        Computation of Whole Numbers,
6.        Decimals and Fractions,
7.        Ratio and Proportion,
8.        Mensuration,
9.        Use of Tables and Graphs,
10.       Time and Work,
11.       Time and Distance,
12.       Interests,
13.       Average,
14.       Percentages,
15.       Fundamentals of Arithmetic Operations,
16.       Number Systems.

