
Codeigniter Generating Query Results

Codeigniter Generating Query Results – This database reference is used for generate the query results. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how to use generating query results.

Codeigniter Generating Query Results | Example.

Let us understand how generating query result works in codeigniter with examples.


There are following way to generate query results. Now we will explain one by one.

1. Result Arrays.

Here is simple demo of result arrays.


Syntax of result arrays.

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class query_result_controller extends CI_Controller 
public function ResultArray()
$query = $this-?>db->query("select * from blog");
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
echo $row->title;
echo $row->name;
echo "<br/>";

Output will be like this:-

2. Result Rows.

Here is simple demo of result rows.


Syntax of result rows.

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class query_result_controller extends CI_Controller 
public function ResultRows()
$query = $this-?>db->query("select * from blog");
$row = $query->row();
if (isset($row))
echo $row->title;
echo $row->name;
echo "<br/>";				

Output will be like this:-

3. Custom Result objects.

Here is simple demo of custom result objects.


Syntax of custom result objects.

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class query_result_controller extends CI_Controller 


Output will be like this:-

4. Result Helper Methods.

Here is simple demo of result helper methods.


Syntax of result helper methods.

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class query_result_controller extends CI_Controller 
public function helper_method()
//num rows
$query = $this-?>db->query('SELECT * FROM blog');
echo $query->num_rows();
echo "<br/>";
//num field
echo $query->num_fields();
echo "<br/>";
//free result
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
echo $row->title;
$query2 = $this->db->query('SELECT name FROM blog');
echo "<br/>";
$row = $query2->row();
echo $row->name;

Output will be like this:-

Class reference:-

There are following references available in generating query results. Now we will explain.

1. Result.

This reference is used to wrapping for the result_array() method.

result([$type = 'object'])

2. Result array.

This reference is used to return the query result as an array of row.


3. Result Object.

This reference is used to return the query result as an array of row. Where each row is an object of type.


4. Custom result object.

Here each row is instance of class.


5. Row.

A wrapper of row_array() method.

row([$n = 0[$type = 'object']])

6. Unbuffered row.

This refernce is used to fetch the next row and return in the requested form.

unbuffered_row([$type = 'object'])

7. Row array.

This refernce is used to returns the requested result row as an associative array.

row_array([$n = 0])

8. Row object.

This refernce is used to returns the requested result row as an object of type stdclass.

row_object([$n = 0])

9. Custom row object.

This refernce is used to returns instance of the requested class.

custom_row_object($n, $type)

10. Data seek.

This refernce is used to move to internal result row pointer to the desired offset.

data_seek([$n = 0])

11. Set row.

This refernce is used to assisgn a value to a particular column.

set_row($key[$value = NULL])

12. Next row.

This refernce is used to assisgn a value to a particular column.

next_row([$type = 'object'])

13. Previous row.

This refernce return the previous row from the result set.

previous_row([$type = 'object'])

14. First row.

This refernce return the first row from the result set.

previous_row([$type = 'object'])

15. Last row.

This refernce return the last row from the result set.

last_row([$type = 'object'])

16. Num rows.

This refernce return the number of row from the result set.


17. Num field.

This refernce return the number of field from the result set.


18. Field data.

This refernce is used to generate an array of stdclass object containing field meta-data.


19. Free result.

This refernce provide free a result set.


20. List fields.

This refernce return an array containing the field name in the result set.



Connect Database



Helper Reference

Library Reference

Database Reference