
Date Helper

Codeigniter Date Helper : Codeigniter provides the helper which is used to work with dates. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can use date helper in Codeigniter. You can use our online editor run and see the output of the example.

Date Helper in Codeigniter

Let us go step by step –

Load Date Helper

First of all load helper(data) before using it. You can the helper(date) simply as below-

Codeigniter Date Helper: Example


After Loading this helper now you are able to use it’s functions.

Functions of Date Helper

Following functions are present in the date helper.

now Function

This function returns the current time as a UNIX timestamp, referenced by the server’s local time or any other PHP suported timezone based upon the time reference setting in config.

Codeigniter now function syntax

now($timezone = NULL)


Now Function Example :

Codeigniter now function syntax

$timeZone = 'America/Costa_Rica';

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If $timeZone = ‘America/Costa_Rica’; is not passed it will give the time() based on the time_reference settings.

2. mdate Function

This function is somehow similar to the date() function. In addition it enables you to use this function in mysql style date function.

Codeigniter mdate function syntax

mdate($datestr = '', $time = '')


mdate Function Example :

Codeigniter mdate function syntax

$datestr = ' %Y - %m - %d - %h:%i %a';
$time = time();
echo mdate($datestr, $time);

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More Functions

Let’s have look over more functions and example.

3. standard_date Function

Codeigniter standard_date function syntax

standard_date($format = 'DATE_RFC822', $time = NULL)


standard_date Function Example :

Codeigniter standard_date function syntax

$datestr = ' %Y - %m - %d - %h:%i %a';
$time = time();
echo mdate($datestr, $time);

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4. local_to_gmt Function

This function converts the UNIX timestamp into GMT.

Codeigniter local_to_gmt function syntax

local_to_gmt($time = NULL)


Example :

Codeigniter local_to_gmt function syntax

$gmt = local_to_gmt(time());
echo $gmt;

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5. gmt_to_local Function

This function converts GMT timestamp into the localized UNIX timestamp.

Codeigniter gmt_to_local function syntax

gmt_to_local($time = NULL)


6. mysql_to_unix Function

This function converts mysql timestamp into the UNIX timestamp.

Codeigniter mysql_to_unix function syntax

mysql_to_unix($time = NULL)


7. unix_to_human Function

This function converts UNIX timestamp to human date format.

Codeigniter unix_to_human function syntax

unix_to_human($time = '', $seconds = FALSE, $format = 'us')


8. human_to_unix Function

This function date into the UNIX timestamp.

Codeigniter human_to_unix function syntax



9. nice_date Function

This function takes bad date string and converts it into the proper formatted date..

Codeigniter nice_date function syntax

nice_date($badDate, $format = FALSE)



$badDate = '199005';
$date = nice_date($badDate, 'Y-m-d');
// Will give: 1990-05-01

10. timespan Function

This function formats the UNIX timestamp date..

Codeigniter timespan function syntax

timespan($seconds = 1, $time = '', $units = '')


11. days_in_month Function

This function returns the number of days in specified year.

Codeigniter days_in_month function syntax

days_in_month($month = 0, $year = '')



echo days_in_month(08, 2006);

12. date_range Function

This function returns the array of dates between two specified dates.

Codeigniter date_range function syntax

date_range($unix_start = '', $mixed = '', $is_unix = TRUE, $format = 'Y-m-d')



$dateRange = date_range('2014-03-01', '2014-01-20');
print_r($dateRange); // will give you all dates between the range.

13. timezones Function

This function returns the returns the number of hours offset from UTC using the timestamp.

Codeigniter timezones function syntax



14. timezone_menu Function

This function is used to create the dropdown menu of timezones.

Codeigniter timezone_menu function syntax

timezone_menu($default = 'UTC', $class = '', $name = 'timezones', $attributes = '')



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Helper Reference

Library Reference

Database Reference