
Angularjs enable disable button

AngularJs set variable in view : The ng-disabled directive is used to enable-disable the buttons in angularjs. We sometimes need the enable-disable functionality in AngularJs. There are many ways to Add the enable-disable toggle functionality. Here we are going to explain the simplest one. You can use our online editor to edit and run the example code.

Angularjs enable disable button | Example

Let us go step by step to create the enable-disable functionality using the angularjs ng-disabled directive. You can the enable-disable functionality in angularJs as below

Html Part

Html Part Contains the following htmls –

Angularjs enable disable button | Example:

<div ng-app="myApp">  
<div ng-controller="myController">  
 <button ng-disabled="myBtn" ng-model="myBtn" ng-click="enableDisableButton()">{{demoButton}}</button>


The above part will create the simple button which will be used to add the enable-disable functionality using the following javascript –

JavaScript Part

The JavaScript Part Contains the following script as below –

Angularjs enable disable button | Example:


Complete Part

Now let us combine both part javascript and html to create full example –

Angularjs enable disable button | Example:


<div ng-app="myApp">  
<div ng-controller="myController">  
 <button ng-disabled="myBtn" ng-model="myBtn" ng-click="enableDisableButton()">{{demoButton}}</button>


Try it »

If you run the above example it will produce output something like this –

Note : If you are using timeout function please make sure you have imported the $timeout service in controller as in above example.